New to Strength Training?—Try These YouTube Channels

strength training home workouts for women. best YouTube channels

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Interested in strength training but don’t know where to start?

YouTube offers a wide variety of strength training workouts that you can do right from your home with only a set of dumbbells.

Dumbbell workouts boast a long list of benefits for your body.

To name a few:

  • Help build strength (duh)

  • Improve your bone health

  • Challenge your balance and stability

  • Great for functional training (which helps better prepare you for everyday life, like carrying groceries or your toddler)

  • Super beginner friendly

  • Improve core strength

These YouTube fitness channels all focus on circuits, compound moves, and combining dumbbell strength training with things like HIIT, cardio, and pilates— which means you may also burn a lot of calories (good for weight loss), improve your posture, improve your flexibility, and become healthier and fitter in general.

Here are the five YouTube channels I turned to when I began strength training from home (and still use to this day!)

  1. Fit by Mik


Mikala seems like such a down-to-earth human.

I love these dumbbell workouts— they’re well-rounded and super approachable.

Her workout videos range from 10-35 minutes long and are full of effective compound moves that leave me feeling sweaty and accomplished.

She narrates the videos throughout—offering guidance, encouragement, tips, and cues.

I feel like she is such a perfect place to start if you are new to strength training.

You can find her channel here.


2. Growingannanas


Anna’s fitness channel has over 5 million followers and for good reason.

She offers strength training workouts with dumbbells, HIIT, low-impact no equipment workouts, and more.

Her videos have no talking, which I am sometimes in the mood for.

They also include a progress timeline, so you always know how close you are to the finish line.

These are honestly just overall really great workouts. Trust me.

You can find her channel here.


3. Fitness KayKay


Kathrin’s videos can be super intense in the best way.

I choose her workouts when I am in the mood for a challenging strength training session.

She offers a lot of longer workouts as well— 45 minutes to an hour— which is also a plus.

Like Anna, her videos don’t include narration.

You’ll have music, a timer, and a progress meter to let you know where you’re at.

You can find her channel here.


4. Mad Fit


Maddie has over 9 million subscribers on Youtube.

She offers a super versatile, wide variety of workouts (jumprope abs, anyone?)

You’ll find dance videos, strength training, HIIT, mobility, low impact body weight training, and more.

Her vibe reminds me a lot of Mikala (@fitbymik) in the sense that she seems very down-to-earth and approachable.

She narrates her videos with tips and guidance as well.

You can find her channel here.


5. Caroline Girvan


Caroline is who you want to check out if you’re looking for bodybuilding or progressive strength training workouts.

She offers several completely free 6 or 10-week strength training programs.

There are different options depending on what you’re looking for— with daily sessions ranging from around 30 - 60 minutes.

If you are interested in committing to bodybuilding exercises and increasing your muscle strength, this type of program may be a perfect fit for you.

You can find her channel here.


Things you’ll need


Dumbbells. The Amazon basics are the cheapest I’ve been able to find. I started with 5lbs and now own 10’s, 15’s, and 20’s as well.


I wish I would have bought this set! It will save money in the long run.


Exercise mat.


Resistance bands.


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